Building an Enduring Legacy
The Museum has several named endowments and funds that support particular programs and initiatives. Many of these endowments were established through bequests.
Dr. Christel Bejenke Fund
Created by Christel and George Wittenstein to provide an annual income stream to support the Museum's public
programming efforts focused on science and nature.
Value as of 6/30/23 $102,474
Thomas Wilson Dibblee Endowment for Earth Sciences
In 2001, the Museum partnered with Mr. Dibblee to publish his extraordinary geological maps, and he designated his
estate for the support of the map publishing effort and to establish an earth sciences position.
Value as of 6/30/23 $2,308,142
Robert Dougan Fund for Innovative Education
Mr. Dougan was a librarian, bibliophile, and scholar of Ireland's greatest literary treasure, the Book of Kells.
Feeling deeply about the importance of education and scholarship, he provided in his estate an endowment fund to
support innovative educational programs.
Value as of 6/30/23 $993,028
Hearst Scholars in Museum Studies Fund
Endowed in 2002 with a grant from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, this fund provides resources for college
and university students to intern in various positions at the Museum.
Value as of 6/30/23 $163,598
Hollis Norris Endowed Fund
Established in 2016 to provide general operating support, this endowed fund is held at the Santa Barbara Foundation.
Value of Hollis Norris Endowment Fund held at the Santa Barbara Foundation $4,720,564
Quasars to Sea Stars Endowment
With a generous donation from the Hollis Norris Fund and David and Lyn Anderson, the Museum created the Quasars to
Sea Stars Endowment in December 2020 to provide support for the Museum's valuable teen program.
Value as of 6/30/23 $958,830
Howard/Berry Chair of Malacology
The prominence of the Museum's vast shell collection and its scientific research staff is in part based on the
support of two eminent shell collectors, Faye B. Howard and Dr. S. Stillman Berry. Both these individuals left as
bequests, not only their superb private collections, but also the funds to support the expansion of our Collections
and Research Center and to endow this curatorial chair.
Value as of 6/30/23 $1,333,102
Thomas E. Hugunin and Elenore H. Hugunin Endowment
Established with a bequest in 2010, the Hugunin Endowment provides general operating support and is held at the
Santa Barbara Foundation.
Value of Hugunin Endowment Fund held at the Santa Barbara Foundation $736,616
John and Peggy Maximus Endowment for Antique Natural History Art
John and Peggy funded the creation of a gallery dedicated to antique natural history art and provided for its
continued support. A fund is held by the Museum and a second fund is held at the Santa Barbara Foundation.
Value as of 6/30/23 $1,962,933
Value of Maximus Trust held at the Santa Barbara Foundation $2,525,798
Ridder Sea Center Fund
Established in 2017 with a bequest from Virginia Ridder, this fund supports exhibits and maintenance at the Sea
Value as of 6/30/23 $368,838
Schlinger Foundation Chair of Entomology
Evert Schlinger, Ph.D., was a world-renowned entomologist and a professor of biology. Believing ardently in the
importance of museums for both research and education, Dr. Schlinger endowed the Schlinger Chair of Entomology in
Value as of 6/30/23 $1,968,338
Vertress L. Vander Hoof Endowment
Established in 2018 through an estate gift from Jill Vander Hoof in honor of her father, Vetress Vander Hoof, this
endowment supports the Library's operations and acquisitions.
Value as of 6/30/23 $1,917,641
Lionel Albert Walford Fund
Dr. Walford was a research scientist in the field of ichthyology who participated in research trips aboard Museum
Trustee Max Fleischmann's boat in the 1930s. The fund was established in 2021 by Dr. Walford's daughter Sarah and
her husband Lincoln Hollister to provide operating support for the collection, care, and feeding of the sea life in
the Sea Center's Channel Catch habitat.
Value as of 6/30/23 $98,287
Total value of Museum's invested assets as of 6/30/23 $49,120,867